


It’s like I’ve spent my whole life trapped inside my head. Writing has always been a way for me to express myself and allows me a sense of freedom and peace. When I take to the pen and begin birthing poetry it makes me feel empowered. I think we all need that and writing has been my release.

For the longest I hid within myself suppressing my pain. I gave up on my dreams, I stopped writing, I was just going through the motions. Then I realized that hiding is no way to live and I needed to breath again. I need the pen and paper just as I need air to breathe.

I grew up with a brain damaged mother that resulted from a car accident during a family trip when I was eight years old. I can only remember bits and pieces of my childhood. My brain suppressed memories as a defense mechanism of dealing with a traumatic event. Although my mother is alive and breathing, the woman she was is no longer there. Not many people will understand how it is living with a brain damaged individual and the constant mood swings and violent episodes. Its even harder when that same person is the one who carried you in their womb. I never allowed myself to connect with another maternal figure and connecting with people in general has been a struggle for me.

I struggled with self identity and low self-esteem and I know how it feels to feel as though you don’t have a voice. This is me grabbing you by the hands and letting you know you are not alone. Everyone’s story is unique and there is beauty in every struggle! Please join me on my journey of self love and may my words forever burn love into your hearts!


Jasmine Dyer has a bachelors degree in Psychology from Nova South Eastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL and currently resides in Beaufort, SC where she is working on the debut of her first book. She is a single mother of a beautiful happy two year old boy who has given her the courage to dream big and just go for it!